
Being a member of ALTA is being part of the largest Latin American and Caribbean aviation organization!

Our members enjoy a wide range of exclusive benefits, including access to the largest network of contacts in companies linked to aviation in the region, discounts on registrations and sponsorships at all ALTA conferences, participation in specialized committees and working groups, discounts on top level training courses and many other benefits.

We invite you to join and build together with all our members a safer, more sustainable and efficient industry.

Enjoy all Member Benefits

ALTA Members enjoy a wide range of benefits, including access to Committees to drive initiatives for the improvement of aviation in the region. Members are an integral part of our educational and networking platform, which propel agendas to educate and inform on strategies to collaboratively address the challenges faced by aviation stakeholders throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Industry partners

Latest News

July 25, 2024
GA Telesis to Contribute to Regional Growth by as it Joins ALTA as its Newest Affiliate Newest Member
This membership marks a significant milestone in GA Telesis\' commitment to strengthening its presence and partnerships within the Latin American and Caribbean aviation market.
July 19, 2024
The Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Regional Mar del Plata joins ALTA\'s Educational Hub to jointly promote training in the aeronautical industry
Attracting, guiding, training and accompanying young people is essential for them to start a career at the highest level. Simultaneously, the continuous training of professionals who are already part of aviation is a fundamental aspect for a resilient, innovative, safe, sustainable and more egalitarian industry.
July 16, 2024
Passenger traffic in LAC grew by 5.3% in May
The international air market within Latin America experienced the highest growth in May and has been the most dynamic since the post-pandemic period

Upcoming Conferences & Events

ALTA Aviation Law Americas
September 18 - 20, 2024 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

ALTA AGM & Airline Leaders Forum
October 28 - 30, 2024 - Nassau, Bahamas

Upcoming Conferences & Events

ALTA Aviation Law Americas
September 18 - 20, 2024 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

ALTA AGM & Airline Leaders Forum
October 28 - 30, 2024 - Nassau, Bahamas

ALTA Committees

ALTA Country Traffic Report

Market intelligence for strategic decision making 

Nuestro compromiso con apoyar a la #formación de profesionales altamente calificados en América Latina y Caribe sigue tomando altura y, en esta oportunidad, nos complace anunciar una nueva #alianza con una entidad educativa que nos permitirá acercar cursos de #capacitación a más personas en la región. Este lunes firmamos un Memorando de Entendimiento con la Universidad Provincial de Ezeiza de Argentina, que establece un marco para la #colaboración a través de actividades #académicas, proyectos de #investigación y know-how técnico.
Nosso CEO José Ricardo Botelho e nosso Diretor de Safety e Operações Virginio Corrieri visitaram o 1º Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (CINDACTA I), órgão militar do Comando da Aeronáutica, sediado em Brasília. Os executivos foram recebidos pelo Coronel Aviador Dan Marshal Freitas, Comandante do CINDACTA I.
Encantados de anunciar que firmamos un Memorando de Entendimiento con el IFA Instituto Internacional de Formación Aeronáutica de Costa Rica, centro de enseñanza aeronáutico fundado en 1995 y autorizado por la Dirección General de Aviación Civil DGAC, órgano del estado que regula la actividad aeronáutica de Costa Rica. Tiene su sede principal en la ciudad de Heredia y su sede operacional en el Aeropuerto Internacional Tobías Bolaños de Pavas, en San José de Costa Rica.


Latin American & Caribbean Air Transport Association

An association at the service of the industry

ABOUT: ALTA is a non-profit association made up of the most important civil aviation ecosystem companies operating in the region, including the airlines responsible for more than 80% of air traffic in the region. Our work is to coordinate collaborative efforts to facilitate the development of even safer, cost efficient, profitable and sustainable environment for air transport to develop in the region, with the ultimate goal of generating socioeconomic growth for people in our countries.

An association at the service of the industry

The Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA for its name in Spanish) is a private, non-profit organization at the service of the aviation industry, whose mission is to develop a safer, more efficient and environmentally responsible air transport in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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