SOS Rio Grande do Sul
Recent flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, has caused unprecedented devastation. This is an environmental and humanitarian tragedy never seen before.
May 14, 2024

Dear members and colleagues,
Recent flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, has caused unprecedented devastation. This is an environmental and humanitarian tragedy never seen before. To date, 447 of the 497 municipalities have been seriously affected, touching 2,115,703 people, of which 538,743 are homeless and 81,200 have gone to shelters. The number of rescued animals is also high, with more than 10 thousand animals. The painful statistics highlight the magnitude of the crisis: nine out of ten cities in Rio Grande do Sul are suffering damage caused by the floods, some literally submerged and disappearing from the map, with infrastructure damaged and entire communities destroyed.
The imminent cold peak in the coming weeks is another major concern. The forecasts indicate an intensification of the cold and dry air mass, which will cause minimum temperatures that may vary between 0°C and 1°C in some locations. Therefore, any form of help can make a big difference, from cash contributions to clothing (in all sizes, including plus size), food, water, feed, blankets and medicine.
The period after the flood is as challenging as the event itself. It is then that the true extent of the tragedy becomes evident. The loss of homes and livelihoods could lead to a protracted humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people facing a lack of shelter, food and adequate medical care. Damage to vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges and transportation systems is extensive, making it difficult to deliver aid and evacuate affected areas.
We express our solidarity with all the families affected by this tragedy and recognize the crucial role the airline industry plays at this time, carrying supplies, essential donations and relief equipment to affected areas. Together we can offer hope to affected families.
Our invitation is to make contributions through the official donation channels established by the government of Rio Grande do Sul: for international donations or via Pix for Brazilians: 92.958.800/0001-38
Thank you in advance for your generosity and solidarity in this urgent cause.